Dr. Kim Butts Pauly, Professor of Radiology, is leading the Center with the help of current advisory board members Donna Bouley, DVM, PhD, Comparative Medicine; Sam Gambhir, MD, PhD, Radiology; Gary Glazer, MD, Radiology; Pierre Khuri-Yakub, PhD, Electrical Engineering; Michael McConnell, MD, MSEE, Cardiovascular Medicine; Norbert Pelc, PhD, Radiology; Stephen Smith, PhD, Molecular and Cellular Physiology; and Anthony Wagner, PhD, Psychology.
Kim Butts Pauly, PhD
Professor of Radiology, Director CBIS
Dr. Kim Butts Pauly's research interests are in the development of new magnetic resonance imaging technologies and their application to observing the physiological state of tissue after an intervention. The technologies her group are developing are advanced MRI techniques for guiding interventional procedures (such as focused ultrasound therapy), correcting for image distortions in the MR acquisition process itself, acquiring rapid diagnostic images, and developing algorithms to correct for motion. She advises postdoctoral fellows and graduate students with a variety of backgrounds including Electrical Engineering and BioEngineering.
Donna Bouley, DVM, PhD
Professor of Comparative Medicine and, by courtesy, of Pathology
Dr. Bouley provides pathology support in conjunction with MR-guided non-invasive therapies for the ablation of prostate cancer (focused ultrasound, cryoablation, laser). The basic histopathology performed in these models aids the radiology clinician-scientist in optimizing their procedures, correlating the degree of tissue damage with the size of the lesion visualized by MRI, and guaranteeing the most thorough method of cancer ablation. In addition, Dr. Bouley works with Cancer Center members using luciferase-based bioimaging in confirming their in vivo imaging findings with actual histopathology. With a background in veterinary medicine and pathology, Dr. Bouley provides critical support to basic and clinical scientists throughout the Stanford campus. Dr. Bouley has been a diplomate in the American College of Veterinary Pathologists since 1996, serves on several committees for the organization, and sits on the board of directors for the International Charles Louis Davis D.V.M. Foundation, whose mission is the international advancement of education in veterinary and comparative pathology. In addition, Dr. Bouley mentors all of Stanford's undergraduates interested in careers in veterinary medicine, and she was the 2007 recipient of the Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Award for Distinctive Contributions to Undergraduate Education.
Sanjiv (Sam) Gambhir, MD, PhD
Professor and Chair of Radiology and Professor of Bioengineering
Dr. Gambhir is the director of the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS), professor of Radiology and Bioengineering, and head of the Nuclear Medicine Division at Stanford University. He has over 20 years of experience in molecular imaging in both animal models and patients. He has an active laboratory, with over 20 post-doctoral fellows and graduate students, that focuses on developing molecular imaging assays in small animal models for translation into clinical applications. Dr. Gambhir has over 270 publications in the field of molecular imaging and leads several large NCI-funded programs, such as the In Vivo Cellular Molecular Imaging Center (ICMIC); the Center for Nanotechnology Excellence Focused on Therapy Response (CCNE-TR); and the Stanford Molecular Imaging Scholars (SMIS) Program. Dr. Gambhir serves on the NCI Scientific Advisory Board; is past president (2006) of the Academy of Molecular Imaging; and serves on the board of several other societies. He is also on the editorial boards of several journals. At the one hundred year anniversary of the American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI) in 2008, Dr. Sam Gambhir was inducted as a member of the ASCI, which is an honor society for physician-scientists.
Pierre Khuri-Yakub, PhD
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Dr. Butrus (Pierre) T. Khuri-Yakub's current research interests include medical ultrasound imaging and therapy, micromachined ultrasonic transducers, chemical/biological sensors, smart bio-fluidic channels, microphones, ultrasonic fluid ejectors, and ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation, imaging and microscopy. He has authored over 400 publications and has been principal inventor or co-inventor of 76 U.S. and International issued patents. He was awarded the Medal of the City of Bordeaux in 1983 for his contributions to Nondestructive Evaluation; the Distinguished Advisor Award of the School of Engineering at Stanford University in 1987; the Distinguished Lecturer Award of the IEEE UFFC society in 1999; a Stanford University Outstanding Inventor Award in 2004; and a Distinguished Alumnus Award of the School of Engineering of the American University of Beirut in 2005.
Michael McConnell, MD, MSEE
Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular) and, by courtesy, of Molecular and Cellular Physiology and Electrical Engineering
Dr. McConnell is co-director of the Noninvasive Imaging Section in the Stanford Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. His interests include imaging cardiovascular disease, with a focus on coronary and vascular atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease. Projects include cellular and structural characterization of atherosclerotic plaque by MRI, optical imaging (bioluminescence and fluorescence) of vascular inflammation, as well as noninvasive coronary angiography by MRI and MRI-guided cardiovascular interventions. Dr. McConnell serves as chair of the Interventional MRI Study Group for the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and as a member of the Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance editorial board. In recognition of his contributions to Stanford, Dr. McConnell has received a Department of Medicine Teaching Award and was chosen as a Stanford Diversity and Leadership Faculty Fellow.
W.E. Moerner, PhD
Harry S. Mosher Professor of Chemistry and Professor, by Courtesy, of Applied Physics
Dr. Moerner is chair of the University Health and Safety Committe. His research interests are in physical chemistry and chemical physics: individual molecules in solids, single biomolecules in cells probed by far-field and near-field optical imaging and spectroscopy; controllable fluorophores and 3D methods for superresolution imaging in cells; trapping an studying single biomolecules in solution; nanoantennas to produce enhanced interactions between light and matter.
Norbert Pelc, ScD
Professor of Radiology and Bioengineering
Dr. Pelc is associate chair for research in the Department of Radiology. He is interested in the physics, engineering, and mathematics of medical imaging, especially computed tomography, digital X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, and hybrid multimodality systems. His work is focused on the development of computed tomography systems with higher image quality and dose efficiency, in the characterization of system performance and in the development and validation of new clinical applications. Dr. Pelc's current research focuses on developing and evaluating new techniques for volumetric CT imaging, with a particular emphasis on cardiovascular disease and cancer. He is also working on the development of MR technology and on hybrid systems employing multiple modalities (e.g., MRI and X-ray fluoroscopy).
Hans Ringertz, MD, PhD
Visiting Professor of Radiology
Dr. Ringertz was professor and chairman of the Department of Radiology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Dr. Ringertz has a long history with the Karolinska Institute where he obtained his medical degree and a doctorate in biophysics five years later. Early on, Dr. Ringertz held research positions at the Institute's Department of Physiology and Department of Medical Physics. In 1969, he began a residency in diagnostic radiology. Only nine years later, he became chair of the Department of Radiology at the Sachs' Pediatric Hospital in Stockholm. He returned to the Karolinska Institute in 1984. Dr. Ringertz now serves as visiting professor in the Department of Radiology at the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford University Hospital. He is a member of more than two dozen professional organizations and has acted as an invited lecturer or chairman at many scientific and professional meetings and workshops. He has received numerous awards, including honorary memberships in 14 radiological societies such as Honorary Fellow of the American College of Radiology (FACR); Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists, London, England, (FRCR); and Honorary Fellow Faculty for Radiologists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (FFRRCSI). In 2003, he was chair of the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute. Dr. Ringertz serves as editor or ad hoc referee on the editorial board of a dozen medical publications worldwide. He was president of the European Association of Radiology from 1997 to 1999 and was awarded the Gold Medal of the European Congress of Radiology and the European Association of Radiology.
Stephen Smith, PhD
Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Dr. Smith is the co-organizer of the Advanced Biophysical Imaging Laboratory. His research addresses brain development and function. His special interests include dynamic and structural aspects of synaptogenesis, cell-cell adhesion, and synaptic plasticity. Dr. Smith's experimental approach uses sophisticated optical imaging techniques to study live neural cells in cultures, tissues, and intact organisms. His University service includes membership on the Medical School Associate Dean's Review Committee as well as the Stanford Comprehensive Cancer Center Shared Resource Leadership Committee. Dr. Smith is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Max Planck Institute.
Anthony D. Wagner, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Stanford University
Dr. Wagner directs the Stanford Memory Laboratory, and is the associate director of the Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging Center. His research uses functional MRI, scalp and intracranial electroencephalography, and transcranial magnet stimulation to examine the cognitive and neurobiological underpinnings of learning, memory, and executive function. He has published over 80 articles and chapters in top ranked journals, including Science, PNAS, Nature Neuroscience, and Neuron. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford in 1997, was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and at the Massachusetts General Hospital’s brain imaging facility, and was on the faculty at MIT from 2000-2003. In 2003, he returned to the Stanford Psychology Department, as well as the Neurosciences Program, the Symbolic Systems Program, and the Stanford Center for Longevity. His research has been recognized through a number of awards, including the American Psychological Association’s Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution (2006), an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2004), the Cognitive Neuroscience Society’s Young Investigator Award (2004), and Scholar Awards from the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience (2001) and the Ellison Medical Foundation (2001).